Sunday, March 27, 2011

Is the time to wake up...

I have been a sleep user in blogger for a year. So now is time to boot up my blog and share my story and little experience in my corner. I had been working in education field for 2 years. Before I enter this field, I have no direction about which field I want to go. I am a totally a girl who has no aspiration regarding her future. But now I choose it, I put all of my effort in my job, my patient in my student and my responsibility in my position. What I gain at last? An educator will not going to ask such question like this. I remembered one of my colleague told me one thing which is 'the most impartial world is not at the court but is the school.' For me, it quite impress me to think i'm choosing the right task to become a teacher. Unfortunately, many things brought up makes me live in a depressed world again. I could said is how stronger I am was able to under a woman without virtue and wisdom for 2 years. She keep questioned about the profession of the teachers until I want to slap her with my bare hand. Luckily my EQ was kept telling me to calm down. What would you do under this kind of situation? Step down yourself and go to others place or stay there see who's getting long life???

Words of wisdom :
"The man of wisdom is never of two minds;
the man of benevolence never worries;
the man of courage is never afraid." by Confucius.


yeekai5 said...
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yeekai5 said...

u can do it, cheers :D

空。陵 said...

finally u updated ur blog...^^